I’ve served on 2 juries. One case of fraud was intricately technical on the insurance side. It lasted a week, and I was mentally exhausted. I entered that courtroom with the idea of proudly serving my part as a juror. I was even happy to receive my summons because I’d heard so many complaints about jury verdicts. How can we complain about verdicts if we ourselves squirm to avoid serving? Naïve, you say? Perhaps. But I honestly endeavored toward a positive attitude regarding jury duty. Yet the Lord has shown me repeatedly that labels don’t tell whole stories. A jury summons may actually call us to more than one role. That big room of jury candidates may contain someone whom the Lord deems perfect for us. A perfect connection simply because the Lord designed it. On one occasion, I shared a lunch table with a fellow jury candidate, and conversation ensued about the Lord. It was a time to discuss and encourage, and God revealed again His wonderful orchestration of people. Jury duty gone wildly exhilarating.
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