Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Medicaid & God

Medicaid.  The word implies people.  The word implies money.  Give, receive, need, want—somehow there’s money involved.  But is it possible the Lord might enable someone’s enrollment with Medicaid, and the reason would have little to do with money?  Here’s a story from my friend.  She has 5 children, her husband is self-employed, and they recently realized they’re pregnant again.  She dialed up Medicaid to enroll for her pregnancy, but things didn’t fly too smoothly.  One person said this, another person said that, and as frustration built, she wondered how her scenario would ever solve.  She asked the Lord to provide, and soon came a call from Austin, which is big headquarters in Texas for lots of government offices.  But she hadn’t been talking to Austin before, so why now?  Who contacted Austin on her behalf?  It seems that God dialed up Austin.  This new lady on the phone broke through all kinds of barriers, and the rigmarole that seemed impossible to overcome previously was now moot.  Yet of all the millions of people enrolled in Texas Medicaid, why did my friend’s case find favor?  When she has routinely been asked in her pregnancies about a blood test for Down Syndrome, she has declined.  With her Medicaid physicians, she has refused that test that often becomes a determining factor for parents to abort their baby.  My friend loves her baby, and she’s giving birth to her baby and keeping her baby, so she sees no point in conducting that Down Syndrome test.  Perhaps that testimony right there is why the Lord provided that unlikely phone call from Austin.  The Lord loves life.  Deuteronomy 30:19 tells us to choose life.  God is forever bringing life to that which appears dead, and He rejuvenates us again and again from circumstances we think will swallow us whole.  I say it’s entirely possible that the Lord could use my friend’s perspective on life to encourage people she'll meet through Medicaid.  And what thrill to imagine the conversations the Lord might draw together to influence a mom or a dad to keep their baby!  So I pray for that exact thing.  Thank you, Lord, for providing that phone call from Austin for my sweet friend.  May Your light shine through her to attract conversation with patients and medical staff and any and all she will meet.  May they experience Your love and celebrate the births of their babies.  May they know You as their Savior.  Amen.  Indeed we serve a powerful and gracious God who can use us anywhere on this earth for His purposes.

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