Saturday, October 20, 2012


The smallest of details, even possibly the least remembered ones, He knows how to use.  One such occasion came recently when I met a man in the hospital.  Dealing with bad news from his doctor, this man couldn’t help but spill his guts.  He paused a moment to gather his words, and then his voice shook to tell of his hospital stay being lengthened.  His eyes brimming with teardrops, he began to recount yesterday’s agony.  It was heartbreaking, and I soon realized a layer of anger buried inside his agony and underneath.  Our conversation resisted veering too far from his subject of health.  But then suddenly his eyes lifted, as hope seemed to have spoken.  I had mentioned being born at Tachikawa Air Force Base, and upon that comment, a new-found energy almost leaped him out of the wheelchair.  Practically in disbelief, he double-checked my words, “You were at Tachi?”  I smiled, “Yes.”  He added with vigor, “I used to play ball there!  I was a photographer most of my days, but then we played ball!”  From there, his countenance moved only forward, as he was entirely elated to revisit these fond memories.  I spoke simply some facts, particularly a detail of my life that doesn't even make conversation regularly, yet the Lord blessed the words that their purpose would soar far higher than fact.  With His touch, they lifted a man’s spirit, and we did acknowledge the Lord’s presence before parting ways.  I look now with different eyes at the childhood kimono hanging in my closet, considering how we pray for the Lord to guide our steps and our words, and indeed He does.

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