Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Precious trip to the bank

Just a quick stop at the bank.  I entered the building, signed in, started assembling a cup of coffee, and heard my name called.  The man ushered me into his office and took care of my question, then asked, "May I update your account profile?"  I obliged, and he continued, "You work in theatre?"  "Yes," I said.  He paused from his keyboard to look up, "That's cool."  Smiling, he scrolled down my profile to verify address and phone, then returned to the theatre idea, "How did you get into theatre?"  He pursued, "How did you audition?"  Still again, "If you audition for one part, but it doesn't fit, do they give you another part?"  He dispatched a whole series of inquiries, and I realized the Lord was orchestrating this remarkable opportunity for dialogue that ultimately begged only one answer:  Jesus.  Five years ago, as the theatre idea first pressed within me, I prayed, "Lord, what is this?  What do I do?  Where are You asking me to go?"  I soon found myself transported into the world of theatre and a whole new set of blessings.  Today's trip to the bank was opportunity to encourage this man in his own personal walk with the Lord, whether involving theatre or anything else.  Such delight in letting him know that the Lord has a joyful plan for his life.  So precious to acquaint people with the name of Christ and invite them to experience the Lord's love first-hand.  We're told in 1 Peter 3:15, ". . . Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have . . ."  Are we ready?