Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Volleyball & Jesus

What can the Lord do with the game of volleyball?  My friend tells a story that takes the game far beyond spikes, serves, and blocks.  She tells of her husband serving as videographer for their 2 daughters’ club team.  Recently her husband prepared to show the team a video of a past game, but somehow the video wouldn’t work.  Somehow the bells and whistles inside the laptop wouldn’t let the video play, and at that point, I imagine the team dismissing from their huddle in disappointment.  The coach opted for a new plan of action and asked one of my friend’s daughters to select some music from her iPod as background for practice.  And that’s where the fun began.  The only music available on the iPod was Christian music, and so the gym suddenly became witness to the name of Jesus being sung up into the rafters.  Amidst all the voices that called and yelled on the practice court that day, the hallowed name of the Lord weaved in and around them all.  What wonderful testament to the idea of readiness that's mentioned in 1 Peter 3:15, saying, “. . . Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have . . . with gentleness and respect.”  In this case, a young Believer stood ready in the midst of an ordinary volleyball practice, and in the course of answering her coach’s request for music, the name of the Lord was celebrated into the open air.  All those months ahead when my friend asked us to pray about volleyball for her family, never was the issue actually only volleyball.  With the Lord, any single circumstance holds capacity for so much more.  And still now I pray for the words and melodies sung during that volleyball session to continue to stir among the team and their coach and all who would hear.

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