A toothbrush, a mattress, & generosity
A young lady rode 2 buses across many miles of our city, from south to north, all for the sake of donating a new toothbrush and a small tube of toothpaste. She called out from across the parking lot in hope she wasn’t too late to give with the radiothon that would benefit local flood victims. Another family drove up with a well-used mattress, held in place atop their station wagon by 6 arms stretched up and out the open windows. Their generous contribution may have left part of the family sleeping on bare floor that night. Altogether, people donated a truckload of food, thousands of dollars, and over a hundred pints of blood. It was a wonderful occasion that caused me to check my pulse once again. How do I give? Do I dig deep to give wholeheartedly, or do I merely skim off the top? Is there anything I grip too tightly for myself? And why did I almost cry to read about the young lady traversing the city on 2 buses? It’s partly because I’ve ridden our buses, and I know how the different routes can take half-hours and hours to connect, and I love this young lady’s willingness and determination to give. God has these gentle ways of inspiring us—sometimes through written stories, like the one by Sonny Melendrez in Welcome Home that reflected recently on San Antonio's flood days of 1998; sometimes through song lyrics; sometimes through photographs of people we’ll never meet and who have no idea we notice their example. The last verses of 1 Timothy talk about a generous heart laying up treasure. I ask the Lord to lead me to be generous.
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