“We’ll never go out of business—that’s for sure.”
These two hospital workers chuckled about their own job security, given the seemingly endless line of incoming patients. And they’re correct about the fact that here on earth we certainly do deal with sickness, from the aches and pains of the common cold, all the way through to life-threatening disease and never-before-seen symptoms.
But what if the prayers of a hospital staff were so fervent that patients were quickly and regularly being sent home?
Would the staff actually have reason to worry about their jobs?
It’d be like firefighters worrying about a day without fires and police officers worrying about a day without crime.
Our call to prayer remains. Concern for our jobs is not foremost. A pastor once said, “I don’t want to stand before God's judgment seat and tell Him I was worried about losing my job, and that’s why I didn’t speak out or follow Him through doors He opened for me.”
This pastor has a point.
Is it possible the Lord could call me to lose my job?
I lost a teaching job about 5 years ago, and I will gladly testify again and again to the Lord's blessings throughout.
Sometimes He calls people to lose their lives.
For that matter, God our Father called Jesus to surrender His life.
Most important is for us to know the Lord and follow Him, resting assured that He knows every hair on our heads and will provide for our needs—jobs and all.
As Romans 14 talks about His judgment seat, I want to be able to freely and joyfully account for myself before Him when that day comes. The next time I visit a friend in a hospital, might I hear workers in the elevator telling wonderful stories of prayer and how the Lord heals?
I’ll hope big.
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