It was a meandering path that began with a piano lesson. A friend came to the house and during his lesson asked for names of pianists to whose music he might enjoy listening. Because piano players are not always piano listeners, I couldn’t think of too many names to suit his listening, but as I talked later to another friend, she gave me the name Fernando Ortega. I ordered Ortega’s
Hymns of Worship CD from the library and discovered some wonderful tunes, though I noticed more his whole musical arrangements than specifically his piano. Meanwhile I listened to another artist on a different CD whose one piano track was followed by an oboe piece that encouraged me to reopen my oboe case that had been sitting idle on the coffee table for several months. Returning to piano, in the course of renewing the Ortega CD at the library, my husband and I continued listening to it and began toying with a guitar/oboe/voice version of “Creation Song.” The more I listened to Ortega’s music, the more I did become curious specifically about his piano. And here I sit today very much blessed to play the piano accompaniment to “Sing to Jesus” because my husband gave me an Ortega songbook for Christmas. That’s an interesting series of steps, all rooted in someone else’s piano inquiry that’s yielding wonderful blessings to me. Once again, the Lord’s mysteries I do love.
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