Do you know King Jehoshaphat? He’s the guy in 2 Chronicles 20 whose approach to battle is quite interesting. Upon learning a vast army was coming against his land of Judah, his first move was to inquire of the Lord. Jehoshaphat did hear from the Lord and bowed face-down to the ground, leading his people to worship in the same way. Jehoshaphat appointed men to sing to the Lord and praise Him as they led the army to their battle positions. In the end, on Jehoshaphat’s behalf, the Lord won the battle by setting ambushes against the enemy and even causing them to stir in self-destruction. Upon victory, Jehoshaphat did not forget the Lord, for he led his men to rejoice in the temple. Verse 32 says, “…he did what was right in the eyes of the Lord.” What an amazing mode of operation that doesn’t need to end as strictly history. What would it look like today for entire militaries to sing to the Lord? What if each soldier praised Him in preparation for the battle ahead? What if we supporters praised the Lord faithfully on behalf of our soldiers? And what if we sang in our homes and on our streets for the many inner struggles we face? May we learn from Jehoshaphat.
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