Before I left the house last Wednesday, I was reminded to
take a towel to cushion my knees.
I scanned
the bedroom shelf for my little orange Gideons Bible and tucked it in my red bag,
for it seemed my instruction was to kneel and to read Scripture.
Already in the bag was my usual tube of sunscreen,
and I dug around to double-check for a pen, my ID, and my phone.
And now
I headed to the car.
My bag sat on
the passenger seat for the next 30 minutes, and each time I glanced at it, I smiled
to think of my daughter who handed it down to me.
This cloth bag is covered with fun black and
white beads and buttons sewn in alternating patterns, and its whole combination
of threads and stitched mirrored pieces is just plain sweet.
Wearing this bag today brought a welcomed
whimsicality to an occasion that can be quite heavy and serious and literally life-threatening
for many, and
I welcomed the
Lord encouraging me with simple pleasures toward staying the course.
In Romans 14:11, I
read that one day every knee in all creation will bow before the Lord, and so there must be worthwhile
reason for our kneeling.
This Wednesday,
I trusted the Lord had specific reason.
particular abortion center is surrounded by much activity, including the
busyness of cars and buses and interestingly a pediatric clinic, and so I am
watchful in the midst of prayer.
walking, I read from my Bible, finding strength in seeing and hearing
the Psalms.
My folded towel proves to
be a wonderful cushion for my knees, though eventually I stand to walk again.
Upon kneeling a second time, I notice another lady kneeling to pray. Later still, I see a third
lady kneeling, and
I am humbled to realize
the Lord’s instruction to me was not for only me.
My role as a kneeling pray-er was playing a small
part in a larger chord of pray-ers.
size of the blessing felt huge yet humbling at the same time.
I pondered for a while that crucial
point where obedience serves as a crossroads of blessing beyond ourselves,
where its effect ripples outward many times over.
The blessings had been multiplied for me, and I was not even the main focus of the prayer.
The primary intent was to pray for the many who are connected with the abortion center, yet how gracious was the Lord in the way He
led me to the sidewalk.
He encouraged me at home in reminding me about the towel and my little Gideons Bible and in showing me the beaded and
buttoned bag that makes me smile.
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