Is it dangerous to tell a story without having finished the book? Yes, maybe. Could the plot change toward the end? Certainly yes. Yet today I attest to the thrill of knowing the Lord in the moment. However the story pans out, I account here for the joy He gives along the way. Last week, a couple of things happened that caught my attention. First, I sensed the Lord shedding some light on a video idea. On Tuesday it seemed the video text was starting to take form, at least enough to begin a Windows Movie Maker file. On Wednesday, as I played a new tune on the piano, I realized with a giddy glee that this tune would fit nicely as
background for the video.
These were two
occasions I considered answers to prayer, for as this video idea had
recurred for months, I had wondered and prayed about the particulars of it. All the more intriguing is the fact that I had found this
tune called “Hungarian Song” at a library book sale just last month.
tune sits on page 26 of a little book by John W. Schaum, which was probably
unsuspecting to many, given an absence of bright colors on the cover that dons a mere 25-cent price sticker from Half
Price Books.
Still this plain little book held such immense thrill for me.
Put together the developing video text and the
fun piano piece, add the family Christmas video I’d made the previous day that
set me in the mode for producing videos again, add my husband into the picture
for the Lord nudging him to delve into the software for recording the
piano part, and suddenly this video that had been nondescript for months was
now taking shape.
And I don’t pretend to
know how the video will finish, yet I hereby testify with great excitement as to how the Lord leads us along a path and fills in the blanks for what He calls into
Really the lineage of all this
reaches even further back into the summer when the Lord connected me with a
young friend whose love for classical music was my reason for looking for music books at the library sale in the first place.
Also the Lord used my family to suggest we
drive to the book sale, and He used an occasion with church one year ago to prompt me into teaching piano at home,
which thereby caused me to realize my lack of classical piano music, as most of
my classical pieces had been for oboe.
On an even larger scale, actually our whole lives the Lord is connecting people and events all around us.
And I pray we always find thrill in knowing His presence.
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