Our last hope had been the coffeehouse on McCullough, and
now it’s closed.
We had the proverbial Y
in the road—musically, that is.
I wanted to veer
right, my husband wanted to go left, and the McCullough coffeehouse had been our
single remaining common ground, ever since the guy at the guitar shop mentioned
And now that it’s closed, what to do?
Proverbs 3 says to lean not on my own
Though I had specifically
prayed this last year, I didn’t fret now about the why of it all, nor did I feel
hurried to fill a void.
last Saturday, a new thought came to mind.
What about La Taza?
A friend mentioned their coffee, and in turn
I wondered if they hosted music.
phone call and one short drive later, we stepped foot into the fun La Taza
world of mocha, jigsaw puzzles, Scrabble, and conversation.
Music was our connector.
Actually I could see how our year-long wait
on the coffeehouse idea had built an eagerness in me to set the phone call in
motion and pull some song charts together quickly.
No second-guessing at this point.
La Taza was quaint and laid-back, and we
loved it.
It’s easy to start wondering
now about what the Lord might have in store for this new venue, but then again,
I don’t want to jump too far ahead.
stayed up late last weekend reliving the blessings at La Taza.
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