The big stage doesn’t always attract.
People exit the building dissatisfied.
Some wonder why life feels flat.
They become angry and critical, and soon the
whole subject of church has grown sour.
So we ask, “What are we looking for on Sundays?”
Perhaps consider blessings of a different size
and shape.
Not all God's gifts are wrapped tall and
pretty in the main sanctuary.
Consider the
parking lot.
For me it’s been a
wonderful place of prayer.
Last Sunday
someone new inquired about piano lessons, and the inquiry sent me back to that
hot, sweaty day in the parking lot a year ago when multiple people offered prayers on my
behalf for this issue of piano lessons.
How I've been blessed to relive those initial prayers.
I stand in amazement to look
upon the Lord’s blessings since then.
parking lot has been a place I’ve found people needing physical help, such as the
lady who fell between the street curb and the concrete steps.
Sometimes it’s opportunity to offer someone a
ride to the bus stop or invite them to lunch.
Also reconsider maybe an unlikely place—the women’s restroom.
Sometimes the restroom serves as its name implies, as actually
a place of rest.
Girls go there to find
a tissue when they’re crying.
They go
there to see if the crying made their mascara run.
Women go there to regain composure when the antics
of their children have tested their last nerve.
Sometimes they’re there because the music is too loud or the seating is
too crowded.
Basically there’s something
uncomfortable for them, and they’re seeking respite.
It’s opportunity to offer help. It's opportunity to
listen, maybe talk, and see the Lord at work.
The point being that church is more than any single event in a single room on any given day.
The platform at the front of the room is not
a stage.
It's not a concert. Church is people.
We love as the Lord first loved us, and we look to know Him in whatever circumstances He brings. May He give us joy for opening those packages that deliver to side doors and parking lots.
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