People, yes.
Inanimate things?
Man-made things?
Is there anything God cannot affect?
Anything beyond His reach?
Following my post on how Jesus’
death and resurrection affected the land, here’s some food for thought.
In Exodus 7, upon the Lord’s instruction, Aaron
threw down his staff in front of Pharaoh, and it became a snake.
In Ezekiel 37, the
Lord caused a vast army of dry bones to start rattling around.
He attached tendons to the bones, covered
them with skin, and breathed life into them.
He brought the bones to stand on their feet, and it’s a scene that
wonderfully boggles my brain.
Today I can attest
first-handedly to the Lord affecting my TV.
Sometimes I let that 26” box of noise talk too much.
One time, looking out for my best interest, the
Lord turned off my TV.
The fact that
House on the Prairie was a wholesome show doesn’t change the fact that I’d
allowed that box too much air time.
could attribute an electrical reason for the screen suddenly blacking out, but
I knew it was the Lord.
I’d sensed ahead
that I shouldn’t have turned on the TV.
Also I think of a friend who prayed for her clothes dryer to restart,
and it did.
I remember as well the many
occasions I’ve prayed for the Lord to reveal lost car keys.
In a panic, combing entire areas multiple
times, whether campuses or classrooms or vehicles, finally in complete
exasperation lifting the floor mat on the driver’s side one last time, there finding
the keys in plain sight.
Indeed the Lord
does work among the inanimate.
nothing He cannot move.
There’s nothing into
which He cannot breathe life.
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