Our friend in her bright pink shirt welcomed us from the front doorstep.
The menu was spaghetti this time, and it’s always fun when she hosts our Sunday study group.
Usually someone new comes, so we figure to have extra food.
Strolling through the kitchen, we partook of crackers and cheese and even that yummy spinach dip for veggies, and we met one new couple along the way.
While at the Fritos tray in the den, we greeted a few more new guests.
In the living room, even more were ushered in.
It was all wonderful, though some of our planners were starting to wonder how the food would last.
And when some of our girls took seats at the biggest table, that was cue to start serving the dinner plates.
From the oven, the casseroles marched out in those deep foil pans.
Baked spaghetti, some with meat, some meatless, all exiting the rack.
Oven mitts carried them to a corner table for spooning onto the plates.
Granted we already had olives and pickles and all kinds of hors d’oeuvres, so we weren't starving, but people were happy to see the hot food.
One plate on its way, then another.
And it just kept coming.
All these people, and how was there still enough spaghetti?
Even when the salad bowls looked empty, our friend announced she had more.
It was Jesus and the loaves and fishes all over again (Mark 6).
Absolutely loved it.
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