My gauge leaned toward empty. The sit-down conversations I love about real-life issues had not happened this day. Two and a half hours of good teaching and worshipful music, yet somehow I felt disconnected. But as our study group was dismissing, opportunity presented new. A bundle of kindness now sat in the chair next to me, and she was the personification of God’s blessing. I discovered she’d been in a car wreck just a few days before and that she’d endured some of my same bumps and bruises in life. Despite all that, her thankful spirit smiled bright, and we shared stories of the Lord and of the ways He calls us to new situations. In fact, within this very conversation, He was supplying new joy through friendship and for prayer. Psalm 121 says He watches over our lives and does not slumber. He had answered my longing. And my gauge now tilted full again.
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