I’ve been intrigued lately by something from the ’80s. In the middle of the huge world of pop music, and for a while at the top of the pop charts, a group called Mr. Mister sang the words “
Kyrie eleison,” which in Greek asks for the Lord to have mercy upon us. What a grand picture to imagine millions of people seeking the Lord through that song. That is…IF they understood what they were singing. I, for one, was pretty much oblivious to the whole thing. I don’t remember my brain being tuned in. And there lies the intrigue: how many times do I overlook evidence of the Lord? Even more, do I ever see evidence of Him but flat-out ignore it? Sometimes I don’t afford Him even 10 minutes. I see the Bible sitting on the table and pass it by. I drive east some mornings and realize afterward that I didn’t even notice the sunrise, which He created. For that matter, we can be aware of a beautiful sunrise but have the audacity to opt for the radio in resistance to quietly pondering the depth of His creation. Evidence of the Lord will never cease, and I ask Him to make me aware of His presence—in music, creation, and all the places He takes me. Still now, decades later, I’m so glad Mr. Mister sang those words.