My dermatologist’s office called. Benign, she said. And, yes, I’m thankful. Benign is usually better than malignant. But as I had to rethink before the doctor’s visit, I needed to rethink afterward also. Why are we so relieved to hear a seemingly favorable doctor’s report? The brain quits looping in fear when a doctor says certain words. It’s not as if medical reports are absolute. Mistakes happen. Labels switch, and tests can be incomplete. Even if the word malignant had been spoken to me, it too could have been falsely derived. The only place we find inerrancy is in God. With only Him, can I truly sigh in peace. The Lord certainly uses doctors for good. I love my friends who are physicians, yet they too know they're merely human. Weeks ago, when I found the spot that the dermatologist eventually biopsied, the Lord took care of me and gently bent my knees to pray. Now with the biopsy result, I know again that any peace comes ultimately from the Lord. Whether the medical storm has truly subsided, or whether it continues perhaps under the surface, I seek the Lord either way. He rests the heart. He heals.
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