The prize was $10 for guessing closest to the actual number
of jelly beans in the jar.
I waged my
guess at 171, and soon I merrily tucked $10 into my purse.
Should I buy lunch at Chick-fil-A?
Maybe Pei
The answer was neither.
I had asked the Lord what to do, and thereafter I kept
picturing the face of a new friend.
wanted to compile a care package for her, in hope of easing the near-exhaustion she felt from travelling so many weekends.
Ten dollars
would buy her some healthful snacks for the road and some other things just for fun.
For her early mornings, I bought Target’s version of
Nutri-Grain berry bars.
Just for
fun, I bought some Bugles, some peanut M&Ms, and a few other items.
A bottle of green tea can be refreshing
anytime, so I put one of those in the basket too.
At home, I bundled everything together and added
purple and green curly ribbons dangling on the outside and stamped her a
colorful card that included Philippians 1:3, because each remembrance of her
really does sweeten my day.
The next
Sunday, I would be so happy to present her the gift.
But next Sunday I didn’t see her.
The Sunday after that, I didn’t see her.
The next month, I didn’t see her.
Two months later, I still hadn’t seen
Four months later, still no sign of
her, and truly my heart was heavy.
Sunday morning, I put her package in the car, and each Sunday afternoon, I took
the undelivered package back into the house.
I fluffed the ribbons back into place, smoothing their creases, and
placed the package again in its weekday residence on my dresser.
I held such high hope for seeing my friend
Occasionally the notion surfaced
to unwrap everything and piece the items apart into our kitchen pantry, but
entertaining that thought made me feel I was abandoning the whole
From the start, I had felt
strongly compelled to prepare this package, and here now I determined again to
hold on and keep asking the Lord for another opportunity to see my friend.
And then it happened.
Almost 6 months of waiting, and there she was.
I walked in late and sat on the opposite side
of the congregation.
Peering to the
side, I noticed her distinctively dark curly hair flowing near her
I could feel the corners of
my mouth jump up into a smile.
more, I could feel my heart swell.
hard part would be waiting till after the sermon to leap across the aisle to
give her the biggest hug ever.
explained her absence, and I explained my care package.
It was an occasion that brought immense joy
for having waited upon what the Lord set in motion months before.
In the words of Philippians 1:6, what He had
begun, He had carried to completion.